Kahootie Co

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We want to make 2018 the best year yet, accomplishing all of the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of this New Year. Resolutions and goals are fun to set, and just like any other goal you have for yourself no matter what day or time of the year, they can be hard to follow through on. We’re determined to follow through on all of the goals we set this year! We’ve come up with the best ways to goal set and achieve your goals in 2018:

  1. Write down your goals. This is so important! You can literally write something in to existence. Writing your goals down on paper brings to life your future dreams from just thoughts in your head, to plans of action. 
  2. Create daily, weekly, monthly, etc. checklists for yourself to gradually achieve these goals. Almost no goal will happen over night. Creating steps for yourself along the way will make your goal that much more easily to achieve. A few steps a day are a lot more doable than overwhelming yourself with tons of work in a short amount of time. It’ll be so rewarding to look back weekly or monthly at all you have accomplished and keep you motivated to follow through to the end!
  3. Find someone to talk with to keep you accountable. This can be optional-You don’t need someone to walk you through following through on your goals, but it is nice to have someone to lean on and know is supporting you along the way. Whether it’s a spouse, parent, friend, coworker, etc. having someone to talk with about your progress will keep you motivated on following through on the goals you set for yourself. 
  4. Reflect on the good and the bad and decide how you can further grow from both. Nothing is perfect- it shouldn’t scare you that you will hit bumps in the road in achieving your goals. Take everything as a lesson and learn as much as you can from it. If something worked, what about it worked and how can you incorporate it into the future steps of achieving your goals? If something did not work, what did you learn from this bump in the road and what can be done better next time?