Kahootie Co

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Our Double To-Do list is one of our favorite products here at Kahootie Co. As moms, students, women in the workplace, etc. we all have days and weeks where one list just isn’t enough, so we provide you twice the space when days are twice as busy! A chaotic list is just as stressful as having no list at all.  We are sharing some of our favorite ways to organize our Double To-Do lists so we can get a lot done, with time and sanity in mind:

- Divide your Double To-Do list by:

  1. Work and Home/Work and School
  2. Morning and Evening
  3. Weekday and Weekend
  4. Pros and Cons
  5. Today and Tomorrow 

- Use one side of the Double To-Do list for your list and the second side to jot down notes over the course of the day

- Take your Double To-Do list to class! Take Cornell style notes, creating headings and subheadings on one side and taking notes easily on the other in your classes this semester

-  Track your finances. Write down what and where you’re purchasing on one list and how much you’re spending on the other. When you get to the bottom of the list (or week, month, etc.), add up the amount of times you’ve eaten out, shopped online, etc. and the amount of money total that you’ve spent

- Goal set! Jot down your goals on one list and steps to obtaining those goals on the second list. You’ll be excited to see your big plans written down and motivated with steps planned out for you to reach them.